Getting Started With Android

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Course Description

Creating native Android apps allows you to deliver a first-class mobile experience to your users. This course will take you through native Android development, from setup to creating a finished app.

In this course you will create an Android app for a zoo. You will create a list of exhibits that opens into a detail page, a gallery and a Google Maps section. You will also implement a navigation drawer and toolbar, while learning the basics of material design.

What You’ll Learn

  • Step-by-step walkthrough of creating an Android app, including a gallery, Google Maps integration, a navigation drawer and toolbar, and more.
  • Understand what material design is and how to use it in your apps.
  • How to get set up with Android Studio and start using it for app development.
  • How to style your application with XML and Java code.

About the Instructor

Paul Trebilcox-Ruiz is an Android developer in Boulder, Colorado, USA. He works for Sphero, a company that creates awesome robotic toys, and he has a passion for building Star Wars LEGO sets, playing Ingress and reading. Connect with him on LinkedIn or GitHub+.

, courses/code , , 15 , tutsplus , , 2016-03-29T17:17:00+11:00 , 2016-03-29T17:17:00+11:00 , , 0 , android,android sdk,app development,code,course,education,google maps api,learning,material design,mobile applications,mobile development,training,tutorial,video course,video tutorial , 7 , , , , , , Prompt, #Started #Android, #Started #Android, 1715667014, getting-started-with-android