Getting Started with Backbone

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Envato Tuts+ Courses

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Course Description

There are many front-end libraries to choose from when you’re building a web application, and all of them have their pros and cons. In this course, you’ll get your first look at one of the top contenders: Backbone. Backbone is an extremely flexible front-end library that offers an “MVC-ish” structure that will connect easily with your RESTful back-end.

Before you begin, you should know that Backbone requires Underscore, and often jQuery. If you don’t know these libraries, you might want to check them out before getting started. Also, we’ll use Express briefly, as a back-end; but don’t worry if you haven’t used that: it isn’t required for Backbone.

What You’ll Learn

  • Creating and validating models, listening for model events, and creating model methods.
  • Creating, syncing and sorting collections.
  • Using collection methods and listening for collection events.
  • Working with views in Backbone.
  • Creating and working with routers.

About the Instructor

Andrew Burgess is a connoisseur of all things programming. He’s from near Toronto, Canada, and is finishing up a computer science degree. He’s been writing tutorials and producing screencasts for Envato Tuts+ since 2009, and he has also written some ebooks. You can find him on his website or on Twitter or GitHub.

, courses/code , , 9 , tutsplus , , 2016-04-26T17:27:24+10:00 , 2016-04-26T17:27:24+10:00 , , 0 , backbonejs,code,course,education,express js,front-end,how-to,learning,training,tutorial,video course,video tutorial,web development , 4 , , , , , , Prompt, #Started #Backbone, #Started #Backbone, 1715667548, getting-started-with-backbone