Getting Started With React.js
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Course Description
React is a view library whose philosophy greatly differs from the usual framework. This course will cover what makes React different from all the other frameworks and libraries out there.
What You’ll Learn
- What makes React different from other frameworks and libraries.
- Master the basics of components and data flow in React.
- Understand the component lifecycle: mounting, updating, and unmounting.
- How to use the Node module Browserify for dependency management in React.
- How to use JSX transformers.
- Create a real-time voting app.
This courses uses React.js version 0.11.
About the Instructor
David East is a Developer Evangelist for Firebase in San Francisco. You can visit his website where he blogs and provides code snippets, or you can find him on Twitter.
, courses/code , , 9 , tutsplus , , 2016-03-17T09:25:14+11:00 , 2016-03-17T09:25:14+11:00 , , 0 , code,course,education,how-to,javascript,learning,React.js,training,tutorial,video course,video tutorial,web development , 24 , , , , , , Prompt, #Started #React.js, #Started #React.js, 1715646074, getting-started-with-react-js